What to Expect

Sunday Morning @ 9am

We know that even regular church attenders find it a little daunting visiting a new church, so here is a bit of information explaining what happens in our main service. We hope this might put you more at ease:


VerseWe extend a warm welcome to anyone, from any walk of life, to join with us at our services. Whether it is a one off visit or regular attendance, whether you are a Christian or not, you are welcome at Bellbowrie Community Church.


We generally dress fairly casually, so it is rare to see someone wearing a tie. Our pastor would typically wear a shirt and jeans, and it is not uncommon for some of the younger people to wear shorts and thongs. But please come in whatever you feel most comfortable to wear.


You can expect to be greeted at the door with a friendly welcome, and a newsletter explaining what is happening around our church. Please feel free to sit wherever you like, we won’t embarrass you by introducing you publically or anything like that.


Our main service takes around one hour, fifteen minutes. It could be described as contemporary and relaxed, rather than traditional and formal. A typical service might include singing some songs, reading the Bible, hearing the Bible explained, and praying together. It is fine to just listen and watch if you would prefer not to sing.


Our music is mostly a contemporary style and will often be led by a band that includes piano, keyboard, guitar, bass, drums, and trumpet. Some people prefer to sit down during singing, and it is fine to do this, but most people will usually stand. The lyrics will be projected onto the screen at the front.


Children join in for the first 15-20mins of the service and then head off to our Kids church programme (for 4–14 yrs). You are welcome to attend Kids church with your children, and to stay for as long as it takes for them to be comfortable without you. It is also fine to keep your children with you during the main service, we won’t mind a little bit of noise.

We also have a parent’s room where babies can be changed and nursed, as well as a crèche area where toddlers can play. Both these spaces are at the back of the building and contain a speaker to allow parents to continue listening to the service.


We share and participate in the Lord’s Supper (communion) together on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. You don’t have to be a church member to participate, anyone who proclaims Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour is welcome to join in. Typically one of our church leaders will offer a brief explanation of communion, and pray, and then each person comes forward and takes a piece of bread and a cup of juice back to their seat to quietly reflect and pray.


During our service we will take up a voluntary financial offering. This is part of the way we worship, and express our immeasurable gratitude to God. We do not expect visitors to contribute to this offering, in fact we do not even ask our regular church members to contribute if their heart does not desire to. You are welcome to, but please don’t feel obligated to contribute to the offering.


Morning tea is provided after the service, and we would encourage you to stay for a cup of tea, or coffee, or a cold drink, as well as a biscuit, or scone, or piece of cake. Morning tea is a great opportunity to meet, and chat, and get to know people. So if you are able to stay, we would like to get to know you, but if you can’t then that is fine.