Sunday Services

9:00am – Main Family Service

Our main family service goes for approximately 1 hour 15 minutes, and would be described as contemporary and relaxed, rather than traditional and formal. A typical service would include singing worshipful songs, reading the Bible, hearing the Bible explained, and praying together. Communion is shared together at this service on the first and third Sundays of each month. For a more detailed explanation of this service, click on ‘what to expect’.

What to Expect

9:20am – Kids Church

Children join in the first 15-20 minutes of our main family service and then head off to our kids church programme for ages 4–14 years. At kids church all the children share in an initial time together of singing and fun, before breaking into more age appropriate groups for further learning and activities. These groups are: kindy-prep (3-5 yrs), grades 1-3 (6-8 yrs), grades 4-6 (9-11 yrs), and JOLT (12-14 yrs).

We also have a parent’s room where babies can be changed and nursed, as well as a crèche area where toddlers can play. Both these spaces are at the back of the building and contain a speaker to allow parents to continue listening to the service, while looking after their children.

5:00pm – Youth Service

Our youth service is known as Y-Focus and currently takes place on the third Sunday evening of each month. This service goes for approximately 1 hour 15 minutes, and typically includes singing worshipful songs, reading the Bible, hearing the Bible explained, and praying together. It is contemporary in style, and as the name suggests is focused more specifically at the interests of young people, although all age groups are welcome and encouraged to attend. See the calendar for the exact dates of these services.
